Pepper robot

Who is Pepper?

Pepper is the world’s first social humanoid robot able to recognize faces and basic human emotions. Pepper was optimized for human interaction and is able to engage with people through conversation and his touch screen. Pepper is available today for businesses and schools. Over 2,000 companies around the world have adopted Pepper as an assistant to welcome, inform and guide visitors in an innovative way.

What was my work?

Reporting to the IT manager, as the first IT Co-op.My responsibilities include maintain, a state-of-the-art humanoid robot, design, develop, and present applications accordingly to Georgian colleges needs. Working with this kind of hardware, to create Applications was a challenge, especially on the User Experience side. I was creating a UX for people, including myself, that were interacting with a robot for the first time.

Decided, to create the User Interface using HTML, CSS, and JS in opposition to a static image on the screen to allow me to improve this experience. Embracing this approach, I had more control over the screen and hardware. I could create an interactive UI and get input from the user. At the same time that calls the Python API to trigger a response, with the hardware.

On the hardware side, Pepper has three cameras, and three microphones on the head, so it can sense human presence and interact using speech Recognition, and even using arm movement to convey meaning. The user could interact with pepper over voice like a conversation, touch on the screen and body, or both conversely. That escalated the success of user interactions.

The Co-op

Short montage showing the pepper project at Georgian College

Pepper Projects